Trial Between Uber self-driving cars and Google search

Uber self driving cars and Google search one algorithm for two technologiesOne algorithm for two technologies.

Uber settled a lawsuit in February 2018 brought by Waymo, Google's self-driving car company after nearly a year of trial. Terms of the settlement admit Google to receive 0.34% of Uber's equity at an earlier valuation high of $72 billion, which comes to about $245 million.

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An abstract idea is not patent eligible under US law

An abstract idea is not patent eligible under US lawWith decision issued on June, 19 2014 among Alice Corporation PTY Ltd v. CLS Bank International et al., the United States Supreme Court has affirmed the judgment of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

It holds the principle that abstract ideas implementable on a generic computer, are invalid to be transformed into patentable subject matter.

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